Plan Better Sprints

Create better estimates, healthier sprints, and happier teams.
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High-functioning teams here also rely on Planning Poker®.

Encourage lively discussion

Planning Poker is a powerful and fun way to improve planning and estimation ceremonies for remote and in-person teams. Instantly import stories from your favorite project management platform like Jira, or write them as you go.

Discuss the scope and effort of each story as a team, then compare everyone’s anonymous estimate. If the team doesn’t come to a consensus, have a discussion to better understand the work, then estimate again until the team reaches an agreement. When you’re done, simply export your estimates and notes back to your favorite project management tool.

Import & export with Jira and other project management software available.

Features that will make you flip.

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High-Stakes Wins

Hundreds of agile teams use Planning Poker® every day. This new platform has made estimating more effective and enjoyable for all of them. - Mike Cohn, Founding Member and Owner of Mountain Goat Software.